From Medieval Charters to Roman Law and Back Again. Some Examples from the Late Antique West
Helmut Reimitz History
March 3, 2020 · 6:30 pm—8:00 pm · Jones 202
Comparative Antiquity; Program in Medieval Studies
Comparative Diplomatics Workshops are a faculty-graduate student working group of the Comparative Antiquities network at the Humanities Council, co-sponsored by the Program in Medieval Studies.
Join the Comparative Diplomatics Workshop with Professor Helmut Reimitz (Department of History) presenting “From Medieval Charters to Roman Law and Back Again. Some Examples from the Late Antique West.” All are welcome.
Conveners: Tom Conlan (EAS/History), Helmut Reimitz (History), Marina Rustow (NES/History)
Coordinator: Brendan Goldman (JDS).
To receive announcements about the workshop and brief precirculated readings, email Brendan Goldman at bgg2@princeton.edu.
Upcoming Comparative Diplomatics Workshops:
February 6 (Thursday), 4:30-6PM
Umberto Bongianino (Oxford)
“The caliph and the monks’ cattle: an Almohad decree in favor of a Catalan monastery (1217 CE)”
Jones Hall 202
February 27 (Thursday), 4:30-6PM
Debjani Bhattacharyya (Drexel)
“Inscribing Land Titles: Geographical Imaginations in Legal Texts”
Jones Hall 202
March 3 (Tuesday), 6:30-8 PM
Helmut Reimitz (History)
“From Medieval Charters to Roman Law and Back Again. Some Examples from the Late Antique West”
Jones Hall 202
March 24 (Tuesday), 4:30-6 PM
Megan Gilbert (EAS)
“Curated Scrap Paper: Documents on the Reverse Sides of Medieval Japanese Diaries”
Jones Hall 202
April 14 (Tuesday), 6:15-7:45 PM
Miriam Frenkel (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
“Rich Bride Poor Bride – Two Trousseau Lists from the Cairo Geniza”
Jones Hall 202
April 30 (Thursday) 4:30-6PM
Horikawa Yasufumi (EAS)
“Samurai’s Oath in Medieval Japan: From Princeton University Collection”
Jones Hall 202