LAMB Workshop: “De Diversis Artibus: A Technological Investigation of Medieval Craft”
Chandler Allen (History of Science)
February 20, 2024 · 6:00 pm—7:20 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell
Program in Medieval Studies; The Center for Collaborative History; Departments of Art & Archaeology, English, Religion, and Classics

Join us for the next Late Antique, Medieval, and Byzantine workshop on Tuesday, February 20, at 6 pm in 209 Scheide Caldwell. We will discuss Chandler Allen’s (History of Science) paper “De Diversis Artibus: A Technological Investigation of Medieval Craft,” with comments by Silvia Gianolio (Art & Archaeology).
Dinner and drinks will be provided!
RSVP and download the paper from our website. After you RSVP, you will receive an email with the password to download the paper.
Grad students and faculty welcome!
About LAMB:
The Late Antique, Medieval, and Byzantine Graduate Workshop at Princeton (LAMB) provides interdisciplinary forums for presenting research, fostering community, and training in professional development.
Contact Amel Bensalim (ab7941@princeton.edu) or Anna D’Elia (anna.delia@princeton.edu) with any questions.
LAMB is sponsored by the Program in Medieval Studies, the Center for Collaborative History, and the Departments of Art & Archaeology, English, Religion, and Classics.
Upcoming Workshops
Monday, March 25 at 12 pm: Daniel Berardino (History, UC-Berkeley) presenting “An Oath of Fidelity in Cyprus: The 1191 Conquest and Mediterranean Idioms of Lordship”
Thursday, April 11 at 6 pm: Mo Van Wege (History) presenting “A Case of Female Infidelity: Litigation in the Burgundian Liber Constitutionum 52”
Thursday, April 25 at 6 pm: Amel Bensalim (History) presenting “A Notaries’ Notebook?: Assessing the Legal, Notarial, and Archival Practices of Medieval Egyptian Notaries”