Puzzling out the ‘Fleury Playbook’
Susan Rankin University of Cambridge
March 2, 2020 · 12:00 pm—1:20 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell
Humanities Council Global Initiative; Department of Music; Program in Medieval Studies; Art and Archaeology

The ‘Fleury Playbook’ (Orléans BM 201 pp. 176–243) has been at the centre of discussions about medieval drama for almost two centuries. Made in the second half of the twelfth century, and containing a collection of ten plays, this book is unique in its size and nature.
The manuscript provokes many questions: who made it? Who used it? What is its institutional background (St-Benoit-sur-Loire at Fleury or not)? Who performed these plays?
In this workshop we shall consider the manuscript from palaeographical points of view (decorated capitals, text hand, musical notation) and in terms of its content. Besides looking at the diverse ways in which music is used as a basis for expression in these ten plays, we shall focus on one – the Ordo Rachelis – as an example of contemporary social critique. Everyone is welcome to bring their own ideas and questions!
The LUDUS Working Group is delighted to host Prof. Rankin as part of our ongoing exploration of intersections between medieval art, music, and performance.
Please RSVP to Beatrice Kitzinger (bkitzinger@princeton.edu) and Jamie Reuland (jlgreenb@princeton.edu) for a copy of Prof. Rankin’s recommended preparatory reading. Lunch will be provided.