The Light Ages? Reconstructing the Practices of Late Medieval Astronomy
Seb Falk, Cambridge University
November 23, 2020 · 12:00 pm—1:15 pm · Zoom
History of Science; Program in Medieval Studies
The Program in the History of Science invites you to attend a colloquium with Seb Falk, Cambridge University, on November 23.
“The Light Ages? Reconstructing the Practices of Late Medieval Astronomy”
Seb Falk, Cambridge University
November 23, 2020 | 12:00 – 1:15pm
Co-sponsored by the Program in Medieval Studies
Zoom Link:
Password: HOSFalk
Seb Falk is a historian, teacher, broadcaster and historical consultant. Seb teaches medieval history and history of science at Cambridge University, where he was a Fellow of Girton College from 2016 to 2019. He specialises in the history of astronomy, navigation and mathematics – theories and technologies – from their ancient origins to modern developments.
Seb received his B.A. in History and Spanish from Oxford University, and an M.Phil. in History and Philosophy of Science from Cambridge. He stayed at Cambridge for a Ph.D., completing his thesis on late medieval astronomical instruments in 2016. (