Translating Clergie
Claire Waters, University of California, Davis
December 6, 2016 · 12:00 pm—1:20 pm · Prospect House – Presidential Dining Room
Program in Medieval Studies
In Translating “Clergie”, Claire Waters explores texts in French verse and prose from England and the Continent that respond to the educational imperative implicit in the Fourth Lateran Council’s mandate that individuals be responsible for their own salvation.
These texts return repeatedly to the moment of death and individual judgment to emphasize the importance of the process of teaching and to remind teacher and learner of their common fate. Rather than being seen as a challenge to ecclesiastical authority, lay learning in these texts is depicted as hopeful, comic, and affectionate. By examining informal works of Christian instruction used outside institutional teaching contexts to convey the learning of the schools to the parishes, Waters shows how lay learners could assume the role of disciple or student in a way previously available only to monks or university scholars.
Lunch will be provided.
Please RSVP to Jeannine by Monday, November 28