Calendar of Events

LAMB Workshop: “Food Fight: Economic and Political Relations Between Sicily and Ifriqiya in the 11th Century”

203 Scheide Caldwell House

Please join us on November 14 for the next LAMB workshop in 203 Scheide Caldwell. We will read and discuss Ksenia Ryzhova's paper entitled "Food Fight: Economic and Political Relations Between Sicily and Ifriqiya in the 11th Century." This workshop is for Graduate Students only. Please Please RSVP and download the paper on the LAMB […]

Medieval Studies Book Club: The Emperor and the Elephant

209 Scheide Caldwell 209 Scheide Caldwell, Princeton

For the next iteration of book club, we will be reading the brand new book The Emperor and the Elephant (Princeton, 2023) by Samuel Ottewill-Soulsby. This work is said to provide a "new history of Christian-Muslim relations in the Carolingian period . . .  by drawing on Arabic as well as western sources." Medieval studies book club […]

Comparative Diplomatics: “How can Jesuits be mistaken for Buddhist monks? Ōuchi Yoshinaga’s 1552 commendation and its Portuguese and Latin Afterlives”

Jones 202 Jones Hall, Princeton

Thomas Conlan (East Asian Studies) will be presenting on “How can Jesuits be mistaken for Buddhist monks? Ōuchi Yoshinaga’s 1552 commendation and its Portuguese and Latin Afterlives.” All are welcome. Refreshments will be served! Conveners: Thomas Conlan (East Asian Studies/History), Helmut Reimitz (History), Marina Rustow (Near Eastern Studies/History) Coordinators: Stephanie Luescher (Near Eastern Studies) and […]

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