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209 Scheide Caldwell
209 Scheide Caldwell, Princeton, NJ, United States
Medieval Studies Faculty Colloquium: “Before the Geniza Documents: The Case of a Marriage Arbitration from the Tenth-Century Fayyūm
Eve Krakowski
Program in Medieval Studies
LAMB – Idem Fide Iubes? The Formal Framework for the Use of Sureties In Late Antiquity
Lucia Waldschuetz, History
Program for Medieval Studies, Sponsored by the departments of Art & Archeology, English, History and Religion
209 Scheide Caldwell
209 Scheide Caldwell, Princeton, NJ, United States
Medieval Studies Faculty Colloquium; “Some Chant Play: Enacting the Annunciation in the Thirteenth Century”
Jamie Reuland
Program in Medieval Studies
LAMB – Hagiography And Identities In The Early Middle Ages
Tamar Rotman
Program for Medieval Studies, Sponsored by the departments of Art & Archeology, English, History and Religion
Index Workshops in Medieval Art
Roxanne Radpour, Charles E. Culpeper Fellow
Green Hall, 2-S-5: Index of Medieval Art seminar room