Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events

S Sun

M Mon

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F Fri

S Sat

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Medieval Faculty Colloquium: “How Japan Became Known as the Land of the Rising Sun: The Enduring Influence of the Seventeen Commandments of 604”

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3 events,

Comparative Diplomatics: “How can Jesuits be mistaken for Buddhist monks? Ōuchi Yoshinaga’s 1552 commendation and its Portuguese and Latin Afterlives”

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HOS Colloquia: Listening to Albert the Great on the Art of Becoming a Natural Scientist

2 events,

LAMB Workshop: “And To Our Master, The Illustrious Caliph, Belongs The Lofty Resolution Regarding This, If God Wills”

The Ovide moralisé: The Divine Comedy of Medieval France?

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