Alan M. Stahl

Curator of Numismatics


(609) 258–9127


1-16-F Firestone Library


Alan M. Stahl received his PhD in Medieval History from the University of Pennsylvania in 1977, with associated fields in Archaeology and Art History. He is a specialist in the medieval coinage of Europe and the Mediterranean area and a historian of medieval Venice.

He is the author of 10 books and over a a hundred articles. Among his recent publications is the edition of The Book of Michael of Rhodes, A Fifteenth-Century Martitime Manuscript, which received the 2011 J. Franklin Jameson Award of the American Historical Association. Alan is currently working on a book-length study with a working title “Wealth and Power in Medieval Venice”, for which he has received a Guggenheim Fellowship for archival research.

Alan M. Stahl sits with the committee for the Program in Medieval Studies. Read more on the Princeton University Library website.

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