203 Scheide Caldwell House

Medieval Studies Student Dessert Hour

Program in Medieval Studies
203 Scheide Caldwell House

Race Before Modernity Book Club: Medieval Art and Race: A Conversation with Pamela Patton

Program in Medieval Studies
203 Scheide Caldwell House

LAMB Workshop: “Food Fight: Economic and Political Relations Between Sicily and Ifriqiya in the 11th Century”

Ksenia Ryzhova (History)

Program in Medieval Studies; The Center for Collaborative History; Departments of Art & Archaeology, English, Religion, and Classics
203 Scheide Caldwell House

Medieval Studies Book Club: The Middle Ages: A Graphic History

Program in Medieval Studies
203 Scheide Caldwell House

LAMB Workshop: Preliminary Remarks on Thomas Hélye and the Miracula Antiqua

Alice Morandy

Program in Medieval Studies, Sponsored by the departments of Art & Archaeology, English, History, Religion, and Classics
203 Scheide Caldwell House

Comparative Diplomatics: Multi-handed Arabic Documents and the Fatimid State

Marina Rustow, Near Eastern Studies/History

Comparative Antiquities; Program in Medieval Studies
203 Scheide Caldwell House

The archaeology of the European steppe: Huns, Avars, and other Bad Europeans

Falko Daim

Program in Medieval Studies. Comparative Antiquity Research and Teaching Collaboration
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