No-Man and the Latin Middle Ages
Daniela Mairhofer Department of Classics
December 1, 2021 · 12:00 pm—1:20 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell
Program in Medieval Studies

Medieval Studies is pleased to offer the Faculty Colloquium Series this Fall 2021. Daniela Mairhofer will present a lunchtime talk on December 1.
*Attendees may choose to attend in-person or via Zoom, registration is required for both options:
In-person: Register Here and limited to Princeton-affiliated faculty and students. Space is limited to the first 30 people to register. Boxed lunches will be served. RSVP deadline for in-person attendance: Monday, November 29.
– All attendees must wear face coverings.
– Ability to social distance may not be possible.
– Princeton ID/Prox cards are required to enter the building.
Zoom: Register Here. This option is open to the wider medieval community outside of Princeton, as well as Princeton-affiliated faculty and students who prefer to socially distance themselves.
For any questions, please send a note to Barbara Leavey, blleavey@princeton.edu
*PLEASE NOTE: If you registered before Nov. 18, please register again using the links above-Thank you