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Past Faculty Colloquium Events

Tue, 4/9 · 12:00 pm1:20 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell

Medieval Faculty Colloquium: “How Did Governors and Buddhist Monks Deal with Epidemics in Medieval China?”

Stephen F. Teiser, Religion

Program in Medieval Studies

Tue, 3/19 · 12:00 pm1:20 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell

Medieval Faculty Colloquium: “How Tang Literature Became ‘Ancient’: Evolving Models of Tang Dynasty Literary History in the Northern Song”

Anna Shields, East Asian Studies

Program in Medieval Studies

Tue, 3/5 · 12:00 pm1:20 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell

Medieval Studies Faculty Colloquium: “Burial Archaeology and the Justinianic Plague”

Janet Kay, Art & Archaeology

Program in Medieval Studies

December 6, 2023 · 12:00 pm1:20 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell

Medieval Faculty Colloquium: “Engaging the Sensoria in Premodern Qur’an Commentary”

Tehseen Thaver, Religion

Program in Medieval Studies

November 28, 2023 · 12:00 pm1:20 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell

Medieval Faculty Colloquium: “El Greco – Architect?”

Charlie Barber, Art & Archaeology

Program in Medieval Studies

October 31, 2023 · 12:00 pm1:20 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell

Medieval Faculty Colloquium: “How Japan Became Known as the Land of the Rising Sun: The Enduring Influence of the Seventeen Commandments of 604”

Thomas Conlan, East Asian Studies

Program in Medieval Studies

April 19, 2023 · 12:00 pm1:20 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell

Medieval Faculty Colloquium: “Translating Jurjani: Why read an eleventh-century text about Arabic poetics?”

Lara Harb, Near Eastern Studies

The Program in Medieval Studies

March 29, 2023 · 12:00 pm1:20 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell

Medieval Faculty Colloquium: “Making Things Up: Improvisation in the Illustrated Cantigas de Santa María

Pamela Patton, Art and Archaeology

The Program in Medieval Studies

February 21, 2023 · 12:00 pm1:20 pm · 397 Julis Romo Rabinowitz

Medieval Faculty Colloquium: “Oath and Law: Legal Language in Early Imperial and Medieval China”

Trenton W. Wilson, East Asian Studies

Program in Medieval Studies

April 19, 2022 · 4:30 pm6:00 pm · 219 Aaron Burr Hall or Zoom

Medieval Studies Faculty Colloquium: Marina Rustow, Department of Near Eastern Studies (NES)

Program in Medieval Studies
Medieval Poster

March 16, 2022 · 12:00 pm1:20 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell

Medieval Studies Faculty Colloquium; “Some Chant Play: Enacting the Annunciation in the Thirteenth Century”

Jamie Reuland, Department of Music

Program in Medieval Studies
Medieval Poster

March 2, 2022 · 1:30 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell

Medieval Studies Faculty Colloquium: “Before the Geniza Documents: The Case of a Marriage Arbitration from the Tenth-Century Fayyūm

Eve Krakowski, Department of Near Eastern Studies and Program in Judaic Studies

Program in Medieval Studies

February 16, 2022 · 12:00 pm1:20 pm · via Zoom – Registration Required

Medieval Studies Faculty Colloquium: William Noel

William Noel, Associate University Librarian for Special Collections at Princeton University Library

Program in Medieval Studies
Medieval Poster

December 1, 2021 · 12:00 pm1:20 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell

No-Man and the Latin Middle Ages

Daniela Mairhofer, Department of Classics

Program in Medieval Studies

September 29, 2021 · 12:00 pm1:20 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell

Vance Smith – Forget Feudalism: Kenya and Balliol College

Vance Smith, Department of English

Program in Medieval Studies

November 17, 2020 · 12:00 pm · Zoom

Mail-order Mihrabs: Kashan Tiles and Architectural Design in Iran, c. 1200-1330

Patricia Blessing, Department of Art & Archaeology

Program in Medieval Studies

May 5, 2020 · 4:30 pm6:00 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell

Cancelled – Marina Rustow: Medieval Studies Faculty Colloquium

Marina Rustow, Near Eastern Studies; History

Program in Medieval Studies

April 7, 2020 · 12:00 pm1:20 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell

CANCELED: The Nobodies of Medieval Latin Literature

Daniela Mairhofer, Classics

Program in Medieval Studies

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