Vance Smith – Forget Feudalism: Kenya and Balliol College
Vance Smith Department of English
September 29, 2021 · 12:00 pm—1:20 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell
Program in Medieval Studies

Medieval Studies is pleased to offer the Faculty Colloquium Series this Fall 2021, beginning with D. Vance Smith on September 29. Professor Smith will present “Forget Feudalism: Kenya and Balliol College”.
Attendees may chose to attend in-person or Zoom, registration required for both options:
In-person: Registration is required to attend in person (at this link) and limited to Princeton-affiliated faculty and students. Space is limited to the first 30 people to register. Boxed lunches will be served. RSVP deadline for in-person attendance: Monday, September 27.
– All attendees must wear face coverings.
– Ability to social distance may not be possible.
– Princeton ID/Prox cards are required to enter the building.
Attendance via Zoom: Registration is required to attend via Zoom (at this link). This option is open to the wider medieval community outside of Princeton, as well as Princeton-affiliated faculty and students who prefer to socially distance.
For any questions, please send a note to Sarah Porter (sp7@princeton.edu).
Alain St. Pierre and the Princeton University Library invite the Medieval Studies community to the History reading room in Firestone Library (Floor A: turn left out of the main staircase) on colloquium days to view recently acquired titles in all subject areas of Medieval Studies. The books will be on display from Monday evening (9/27) through Thursday midday, 9/30. Come browse!