Historical Change, Archaeology and Environment: Examples from the East Roman/Byzantine World
John Haldon History
March 3, 2020 · 12:00 pm—1:20 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell
Program in Medieval Studies

RSVP required. Please send your RSVP request to Sarah Porter, sp7@princeton.edu.
Lunch will be served.
The 2019-20 Medieval Studies Colloquium highlights members of the medieval faculty who will share and discuss their ongoing work, insights, questions, ideas, and future projects with other members of the medieval community here at Princeton (faculty, graduates, undergraduate certificate students, and IAS members). It will be an opportunity to get together, get to know each other a bit better, and also to get a better sense of the diversity and wide ranging interests and projects of our community.
As on the day of the last colloquium, there will also be an exhibit of the new medieval books, journals, editions etc. which the library acquired recently – a new joint venture of Medieval Studies with Princeton University Library and above all our history librarian Alain St. Pierre. The new publications will be on display in the History Reading Room (A-Floor 7-B) from Monday evening until Tuesday evening.
PLEASE SAVE THE FOLLOWING DATES FOR THE SPRING. All talks will be held in Scheide Caldwell 209.
February 4, 12:00 – 1:20, Beatrice Kitzinger (Art & Archaeology), “Wandalgarius’ Letters of the Law”
March 3, 12- 1:20, John Haldon (History), “Historical Change, Archaeology and Environment: Examples from the East Roman/Byzantine World”
April 7, 12 – 1:20, Daniela Mairhofer (Classics), “The Nobodies of Medieval Latin Literature”
May 5, 4:30 – 6:00, Marina Rustow (Near Eastern Studies/History), title TBD